親子共讀推薦 Parent-Child Shared Reading - 2023/5

1/ Little Sock

推薦跟 3-5 歲的小朋友共讀
文:Kia Heise 文圖:Christopher D. Park

—> 點我購買 Little Sock

Recommendation for reading with children aged 3-5
Kia Heise Illustrator: Christopher D. Park
32 pages
Courage, New Experiences, Society

—> Click here to purchase Little Sock





Do you think only adults feel that life is boring and monotonous? It turns out that sometimes children also have this feeling! Going to the same school every day, seeing the same teachers, and repeating the same classes and exercises, it's like being a sock in the same drawer every day. Everyone looks the same and does the same things.

Will the end of the dryer lead to a more exciting world? How can we get there? What does that world look like? Are all people the same? Let's go on an adventure with the little sock!

Even though the book has few words, each illustration can accurately express the little sock's feelings, making it easy for children to relate. My students like the little sock, maybe because they're the same, eager to do something different! After reading it, my students even pulled me aside and said they wanted to go on a small adventure like the sock before reaching "Sock City."

If you find that a sock always goes missing, maybe it's out having fun!



2/ Fair Shares

推薦跟 4-8 歲的小朋友共讀
文:Pippa Goodhart 圖:Anna Doherty

—> 點我購買 Fair Shares

Recommendation for reading with children aged 4-8
Pippa Goodhart Illustrator: Anna Doherty
32 pages
Fairness, Individual differences, Empathy

—> Click here to purchase Fair Shares




The hare and the bear love sweet pears, but despite the hare jumping high and the bear being tall, neither can pick the pears! Another problem arises in solving the problem of picking pears...is it still fair if everyone has the same tools and things?

"What does fairness mean to you?" Before reading the book, this is the question we can ask children to understand their thoughts, and maybe they can give some examples of real-life situations. It is especially suitable for children with siblings at home or for children who have had similar difficulties on any mixed-age occasion.

While reading the book, you can invite children to be creative and let them provide ideas for the hare and bear to pick the pears. Afterward, you can add some scenes about resource allocation to help children think about their own needs and understand the needs of others from the perspective of respecting individual differences and helping them overcome the dilemma of wanting to have the same things as others.



3/ Thanks, Mum!

推薦跟 3-6 歲的小朋友共讀
圖文:Matt Cosgrove


—> 點我借閱 Thanks, Mum!

Recommendation for reading with children aged 3-6
Author & Illustrator:
Matt Cosgrove
24 pages
Mother, Gratitude, Family Life

I haven't found a way to ship it to Hong Kong yet, but you can borrow it from the public library.

—> Click here to borrow “Thanks, Mum!”

母親節共讀推薦:Thanks, Mum! 圖文:Matt Cosgrove

5 月正值母親節,除了學校老師都會跟小朋友做一些勞作來向媽媽聊表心意,亦非常推薦爸爸們可以和小朋友一起閱讀這本關於不同小動物與媽媽相處的窩心日常。除了可以學到不同的小動物外,亦可以一一細數生活中我們有多少需要「召喚」媽媽的時刻。無論看起來多微不足道,都是滋養小朋友心靈,讓他們茁壯成長的點滴。

如果問小朋友「你最喜歡 / 記得媽媽為你做甚麼事呢?」,也許會收獲一些驚喜回答喔。培養懂得感恩的心,往往就是從注意到身邊的日常小事開始。

如果小朋友有學習 phonics(自然發音),文案中的 ryhme(押韻)也推薦一起練習。

Mother's Day is in May, and besides teachers at school doing handicrafts with children to express their love and appreciation to their moms, it is also highly recommended for dads to read this heart-warming daily life story with their children about different little animals and their relationships with their moms. In addition to teaching children about other animals, it also helps them to appreciate how many moments in daily life we need our moms. No matter how insignificant they seem, they are all nurturing moments that help children grow.

You may get some surprising answers if you ask the kids, 'What do you like best, or what do you remember mom doing for you?'. Cultivating a grateful heart often begins by paying attention to everything around us.

If your kids are learning phonics, practicing the rhymes in the text is also recommended.


親子共讀推薦 Parent-Child Shared Reading - 2023/6